Family Medicine

General Information
Like all other specialty, Family Medicine has evolved as a response to a requirement. It was firstly discussed in 1920's in Europe and in 1950's in the USA, and has begun to be implemented, while in our country, the reflection of this new perspective on medicine came up in 1960's under the title of integrated care as a part of the law no. 224 and Community Medicine model. 

This concept, which has been settled within the primary health care services in the stepped health presentation model, has developed over time and has become widespread in our country as it is in the whole world.

In our country, family medicine specialization as a separate specialty in 1983 under the "Statute of Medicine Speciality", it was placed as the clinical specialty of the first step in the stepped health presentation model. In 1984, Gazi University Medical Faculty (Ankara) established the first family medicine department and family medicine career education was started by Ministry of Health and in the education and teaching hospitals connected SSI then in 1985. In 1993, it was decided to establish departments to underlie the education of Family Medicine in the universities as per article 7/d-2 in accordance with the law numbered and dated 12547 and 2882, 24.06.1993 of Higher Education Institution. In parallel with this decision, Family Medicine Department was establish in Baskent University Medical Faculty on December 26th 2002. 

Since the day of its establishment, our department, continuing to make process, with its 8-health facility under 'Baskent University Health Net' keeps serving nation-wide with 25 members of nine lecturers, eight instructors and nine specialists, and 14 research assistants.

Pre-Graduate Education / Undergraduate Education 

In pre-graduation medical training, period 2, 4 and 6 students are told family medicine introductory classes and given practical courses with one-on-one education system. The intern doctors do internship for a month to get informed about first step health services and Family Medicine, and to find application opportunity. 
Post-Graduate Education 

Family Medicine Specialty Training Program is a program in accordance with the international standards in its field, that is responding the requirements, flexible, comprehensive, realistic, objective, measurable, strengthening the team mentality, recognizing and supporting the positive approaches, ensuring the continuity of the development processes, community-oriented, taking the individuals getting health services in to the center. 

Program Duration: 36 months. 

To contribute to health of individual, family and community, it is aimed to seize the understanding of health protection and development without making any distinctions as gender, complaint, disease in every stages of the life such as childhood, adolescence, adulthood or advanced age, and in continuity. It is ensured that necessary information, skills and approaches were elicited to provide a medical service in accord with community medicine and medical ethics principals intended for early diagnosis, diagnosis, follow-up and rehabilitation in the first step of the health problems that can be faced.

Specialty students get adaption training program for one month when they start working. 

Each specialty student is given syllabus and assistant ration card when they start working. Also, they are assigned a lecturer advisor that will be responsible for their education during the whole specialty training. 

In advisor and student cooperation, rotation plans are made considering the student's education quality and the internal dynamics of the department. 

For the success of Specialty Education Program, providing a positive education environment, the continuity and the development of this environment has a key role. To do this, all lecturers and specialty students takes active approach.

Family Medicine (18 months): It consists of different modules such as evaluation of polyclinic, adaptation study, community medicine and medical ethics studies; free study times, thesis study and first step application. Family Medicine program begins at the first month of the specialty and performed in three years including the last 12-month big part at the end of the specialty period.

Family Medicine Principles and Approach
Community-Oriented Approach
Scientific Research and Academic Development
Medical Ethics Principles and Legal Issues
Administrative Skills

Rotation Program (18 months): 

•    Internal Medicine Program (4 months): It consists of service, emergency, general internal medicine polyclinic programs.
•    Pediatrics Program (4 months): It consists of general pediatrics services, polyclinic and pediatric emergency. 
     Gynecology and Obstetrics Program (3 months):   It consists of services, emergency, gynecology, menopause and antenatal polyclinics and obstetrics programs.
•    Mental Health and Disorders Program (2 months): It consists of service and polyclinic program.
•    Cardiology (1 month): It consists of polyclinic program.
•    Pulmonary Diseases (1 month): It consists of polyclinic program.
•    Emergency Medicine (1 month): It consists of service and polyclinic program.
•    Skin and Venereal Diseases (1 month): It consists of polyclinic program.
•    Elective (1 month) (Neurology/Physical medicine and Rehabilitation/In one of the General Surgery branches)

Research Topics, Professional and Scientific Activities

In Baskent University, family physicians work notably at family medicine and emergency polyclinics, they also work at the first application points non-diagnosed patients apply in the departments they were tasked. Besides, they take care of clinical first step medical services such as transplant coordination, burnt and fire disasters unit, tourism medicine, dialysis and university medico-social services.

In such a large spectrum, our department workers, contributing the operation and development of Baskent University, have attended, run and published lots of scientific studies where they serve. Also, it tries to make contribution on determining the scope of the family medicine discipline with the supports given to national - international meetings. 

Lastly, our friends serving in our department introduced the 'Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Family Medicine' published in Current series belonging to Lange publishing house into our language in cooperation with our colleagues working at other universities across the country and dedicated it to Turkish Family Medicine.