
In the department; advanced examinations and treatments of the diseases related with headache, cerebrovascular diseases, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Epilepsy, dementia syndromes (diseases that goes with dementia and behavioral changes), Parkinson disease and other movement disorders are carried out. Dementia, popularly known as dotage, is a symptom most commonly seen in Alzheimer disease that advance with forgetfulness, behavioral changes, and decrease in self-care. In our department, early diagnosis and treatment of dementia is possible with comprehensive neuropsychological battery in selected appropriate patients.

We have clot solving treatment facilities in patients that admit to our emergency service with sudden onset stroke within 4.5 hours after the initiation of the complaint and have the appropriate criteria. Carotid and vertebral artery obstructions which are the most common causes of cerebrovascular diseases, with the evaluations and council carried out together with invasive radiology and cardiovascular surgery teams are treated as stent or surgical intervention in appropriate patients.

Cerebrovascular diseases, Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, MS, migraine and other headache syndromes which are the most common diseases in the society are diagnosed and treated by experts and our faculty members.