
The faculty of the Neurosurgery Department of the Ankara hospital of Başkent University consists of three professors, one associate professor,two assisstant professors and one practioner. All members of the faculty work on full-time principle on five days of the week and half  day on Saturdays. All faculty speaks fluent English and the practioner doctor speaks Persian and Urdu languages.There are two medical technicians working full-time. Every night a faculty member is on call and emergency cases can be operated at any time of the day.

All foreign patients are welcomed and have always priority. The clinical examinations are performed on the same day of admission or on any requested time. All neuroradiologic  and laboratory  work-up is completed on the same day of examination.Two MRI's and two new generation CT's operate on 24 hour basis . A well equipped ICU for both surgical and medical patients are availabale along with a cardovascular, coronary and pediatric ICU's in the case of need or if any comorbidity is present.

Neurosurgery department also works as a consultant for foreign patients who are not able to come to Ankara. Once sufficient medical data and radiologic examinations are sent to liason office of the Başkent University then the information is submitted to the faculty for evaluation and consultation of the cases. The officers of the liason office can speak Arabic, Russian,English, German and Kurdish and they maintain efficient communication between patient families and staff of the hospital.Suggestions are made, questions  are answered and definite decisions  are given at the earliest time possible  depending upon each individual's medical condition.

A very modern radiotherapy system is going to be operational in  very soon future. A gamma-knife unit at Adana hospital has treated hundreds of patients over the past nine years.Potential  candidates for  gamma-knife therapy can be evaluated  at Ankara hospital and further arrangements for treatment are rapidly made if this kind of radiotherapy is indicated .Surgeries are scheduled in a very timely manner and performed by  highly experienced surgeons.

The following surgeries are routinely performed at the Neurosurgery department.

a. Primary and metastatic craniocerebral oncologic cases with routine use of neuronavigation, stereotaxic biopsies also with the aid of neuronavigation

b. Tumors of the spine, spinal cord and coverings

c. All kinds of craniocerebral and spinal trauma cases

d. Vascular pathologies of the brain and spinal cord with close colloboration of a very experienced interventional radiology team (mainly aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations,carotico-cavernous and dural fistulas, spontaneous intracranial hemorrhages where surgery or external ventricular drainage is needed)

e. Degenerative diseases of the aging spine including disc pathologies,spinal instrumentation and stabilization procedures, spondylolisthesis and other spinal disorders

f.Percutaneous vertebral augmentation operations (kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty) for fractured vertebra of different etiologies including osteoporosis, trauma and certain tumors.Our department has one of the most outstanding series  in Turkey with hundreds of patients and vertebrae treated with excellent results.

g. All congenital malformations of the brain and spine ( e.g. hydrocephalus, Chiari malformation,Dandy-Walker syndrome,craniosnyostosis, meningocele,meningomyelocele, tethered cord)

h.Lesions of the peripheral nerves including tumors, traumatic injuries and entrapment syndromes like carpal tunnel and similar pathologies.

i.Infectious mass lesions of the craniospinal axis requiring surgery.