Ahmet Eftal Yücel, M.D


Ahmet Eftal Yücel, M.D


+90 0312 203 68 68 / 4863


1975-82                Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine

1984-85                Numune Hospital, Ankara  Residency in internal medicine

1985-89                Hacettepe University, Dept. Of Internal Medicine Residency in internal medicine

1990-91                University of Manchester  Department of Rheumatology, UK Master of Science

1991                      Hacettepe University, Div. Of Rheumatology Fellowship in Rheumatology

1992-93                Baylor College of Medicine Div. of Rheumatology, USA, Fellowship in Rheumatology

Medical Field of Expertise 

Rheumatoid arthritis

Collagen vascular diseases


Work Experience
1982-84                Health Center, Gemerek, Sivas,               General practitioner

1984-85              Numune Hospital, Ankara, Residency in The Dept. of Int. Med.,    

1985-89               Dept. of Internal Medicine, Residency in internal medicine, Hacettepe University

1991-95              İnönü University Faculty of Medicine, Malatya,     Assistant Prof.

1995-96                Assoc. Prof.

1996-2004           Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Assoc. Prof.

2004-                     Prof.

1982-84                Gemerek Health Center              Governmental Doctor

1983                      Gemerek Deputy Governer

1994-96                İnönü University Faculty of Medicine, Chairman, Div. Of Rheumatology

1994-95                İnönü University Faculty of Medicine, Coordinator, Phase IV

1995-96                İnönü University Faculty of Medicine, Chairman, Dept. of Internal Medicine

1996-                     Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Chairman, Div. of Rheumatology

1996-99                Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Member of Faculty Council

1998-2001           Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Member of Faculty Steering Committee

2005-                    Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Member of Research Committee

2005-2008           Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Vice president, Ethical Committee

2009-2012           Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, President, Ethical Committee

2005-2007           Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Deputy Cordinator of Hospitals

2005-2007           Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Coordinator, Phase III

2005-                     Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Member of Research Committee

2005-                     Başkent Un. Faculty of Medicine, Member of Ethical Committe of Animal Experiments

2006-2008           The Society for Research and Education in Rheumatology, İstanbu, President

2009-2012           Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, President, Ethical Committee

2011-                     Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Chairman, Dept. Of  Internal Medicine

2012-                     Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, President, Ethical Committee for publication

2015-2017           Başkent University Faculty of Medicine, Member, Publication Support Committee

Professional Memberships 
Turkish Society of Rheumatology, İstanbul

American College of Rheumatology, Atlanta

Researches and Publications
International Journal Papers: 55
National Journal Papers: 30

International Conference Proceeding : 20
National Conference Proceeding: 52


National Rheumatology Congress
European Leage Aginst Rheumatology  Congress
American College of Rheumatology Meeting
International League of Associations for Rheumatology Congress