PSG is conducted for the diagnosis and treatment plan of respiratory disorders in sleep. Patient should be evaluated and have an appointment in the department for the test. Respiratory changes during sleep are evaluated with computer, and the patient is administered pressure air through nasal airway with a mask for treatment, if necessary. Technician on call at night will place electrodes on you in order to monitor your sleep, respiration and heart rate, and he/she will wait until the test is completed (08:00 a.m.) in order to ensure an intervention when necessary.
Considerations before sleep test: You are recommended to avoid daytime naps, tea or coffee for a comfortable sleep. Male patients should shave off their beard. You should consult with the physician in charge for any sleep medication you are on. You should not have an all-day visitor for the accuracy of test. You should not bring in metal accessories or electronic devices as these can disrupt the record. You should turn off your mobile telephone and remove your dentures, if any. Patients are given lockers to keep their clothes and belongings. A light meal is recommended before leaving home. Patient should arrive at hospital before 22:00 at the evening of the test. You can receive the summary of information on sleep test (polysomnography test) and hospital admission procedures from the department secretariat.