Diagnosis Centers

Auto Immunity - Tissue Typing Laboratory


One of the most important chains of the transplantation, which is a multidisciplinary team work, is transplantation immunology. This stage is the most critical stage that the tissue compatibility between donor and recipient is evaluated. A healthy transplantation process can be performed only after the criteria of this stage are verified. The first barrier met in transplantation period is the structural differences of the donor and recipient. The recipient’s structural antigens which are foreign for donor stimulate the immune system of recipient and initiate immune response. As a result of  this, unwanted damages emerge in the transplanted organ. In order not to develop or reduce these reactions, genetic similarities of the donor and recipient should be well determined, evaluated and the most appropriate donor should be chosen in accordance with these criteria.

All the necessary tests prior to tissue and organ transplantation are worked with the most modern methods in our Tissue Typing Laboratory.

The tests performed in Tissue Typing Laboratory;

  • HLA-A,B,C (Molecular low resolution, PCR- SSP)
  • HLA- DR,DP,DQ (Molecular low resolution, PCR- SSP)
  • Luminex Method Panel Reactive Antibody Class-I Screening
  • Luminex Method Panel Reactive Antibody Class-II Screening
  • Luminex Method Panel Reactive Antibody Class-I Determination (Specific)
  • Luminex Method Panel Reactive Antibody Class-II Determination (Specific)
  • Flow Cytometry Method Lymphocyte Cross-Match
  • Serologic Method Lymphocyte Cross-Match
  • HLA-B5 (Molecular Low resolution, PCR- SSO)
  • HLA-B27 (Molecular Low resolution, PCR- SSO)

The tests are performed according to  international external quality control system NEQAS and for this reason Tissue Typing and Panel Reactive Antibody tests are sent to our laboratory  from abroad by NEQAS.



All auto antibodies which are used to determine auto immune diseases and vasculitic clinic pictures are performed in Auto Immunity Laboratory.

- The performed auto antibodies are as below;

  • ANA (Anti-Nuclear Antibody)
  • AMA(Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody)
  • LKM (Liver Kidney Microsomal Antibody)
  • ASMA (Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody)
  • C-ANCA (PR3) (Anti-Neutrophile Cytoplasm Antibody)
  • P-ANCA (MPO) (Anti-Neutrophile Cytoplasm Antibody)

Auto antibody tests are controlled by Euroimmun firm with external quality controls. The samples that will be used for external quality control tests are sent from abroad determined by quality control centers.



In Immune Fenotyping Laboratory, evaluation of congenital or acquired immune deficiency pictures especially the typing of hematologic malignancies are performed with Flow Cytometry method. The main tests performed are;

  • Lymphocyte subgroups
  • Leukemia Panel
  • Lymphoma Panel
  • PNH Panel
  • Multiple Myeloma Panel
  • Platelet  Panel
  • BAL Analysis