Diagnosis Centers

Aviation Medical Center

Aviation Medical Centers are the centers that perform the medical examinations of civil pilots based on the authorization given by the Ministry of Communications/General Directorate of Civil Aviation according to the health rules ICAO (Internatiol Civil Aviation Organization) and JAR-FCL3 (Joint - Aviation Regulation) including European countries. Initial and all periodic health examinations of pilots and all aviation staff are performed in this center. Başkent University Hospital has the authorization of initial examination besides the periodic examinations.

Pilot examinations, in accordance with international aviation rules; are carried out within certain time periods according to the plane type, duty type and age of the pilots.

The aim of this examination is; to control whether the cabin crew is healthy  at  the moment  and  to keep them healthy for the future. The beginners of the aviation occupation  are examined in detail  and evaluated if they are convenient  for  the  flights.

Flight crews are examined at Internal Medicine, ENT, Ophthalmology, Neurology, Psychiatry departments and after passing from procedural tests, they take a fly availability report.

On your appointment day, you should be available in our hospital with empty stomach and 1 photo and your identity card. 12 hours of fasting before blood samples are taken is important for the healthy test results. Periodic examination applicants should admit with their former certificates.