Patient Guide

Patient Rights

Our patients and families have the right to:

  • The general right to receive the services: To utilize the preventive, curative and rehabilitative health services and activities intended to promote a healthy life as part of justice and equity;
  • The right to receive services with equity: To receive services without the consideration of ethnicity, language, religion, sect, gender, political thoughts, philosophical beliefs or economic status;
  • The right to get information: To obtain information about the their care provided in BAŞKENT;
  • The right to choose and change the facility: To choose or change the health facility to receive the health services provided in that facility;
  • The right to meet, choose and change the staff: To learn the identities, duties and titles of the physicians and other staff that provide the health services, and to choose and change these staff,
  • The right to request information: To obtain any information either orally or in writing about his/her health status and treatment plan;
  • The right of confidentiality: To receive health services in accordance with the context of confidentiality;
  • The right to provide consent and permission: To receive services after having given consent for medical interventions;
  • The right to accept or decline the planned therapy: To accept or decline the therapy;
  • The right to be in a safe environment: To receive health services in a safe environment;
  • The right to fulfil the religious duties: To fulfil the religious duties within the possibilities and according to the precautions of our hospital; 
  • The right to get respect: To receive health services with respect, attention, friendliness, kind and caring approaches;
  • The right of comfort: To receive health services in a hygienic, quiet and comfortable environment;
  • The right to be visited: To accept visitors in accordance with the rules and principles  designated by the BAŞKENT University Hospitals Network;
  • The right to have an accompanying person: To have an accompanying person at the hospital with approval of the physician, in accordance with the regulations determined by the health institution according to the possibilities;
  • The right to appeal, submit complaints and prosecute: To appeal, submit a complaint, or prosecute in case of infringement of his/her rights;
  • The right to continuous services: To receive health services as long as he/she requires.